dvipdfm: DVI to PDF translator
dvipdfm, a DVI to PDF translator, version 0.10.5
Mark A. Wicks developed `dvipdfm' under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. I compiled `dvipdfm' for OS/2 with kpathsea library version 3.2 and zlib library version 1.13.
If you have an installed TeX system, I strongly recommend `dvipdfm', which can convert DVI file to PDF file.
To know the features of `dvipdfm' see Mark A. Wicks's web page.
OS/2 notes
dvipdfm0.10.5.zip[482 Kb]
This package contains all original sources, OS/2 executables, OS/2 Makefile, , kpathsea and zlib libraries (DLLs, header files, *.a, *.lib).
OS/2 ported softwares